What I Offer

Individual Therapy

In my work with individuals, I am informed by the following approaches-

Somatic: Rather than looking at our bodies from the outside in, a Somatic approach can help you to experience your authentic self from the inside out, which is an inherently radical act. We can do that by exploring how your feelings, emotions, memories, and trauma are manifested in your body and create a safe space to connect your feelings and thoughts with your physical sensations.  

The NeuroAffective Relational Model (NARM): is a clinical model addressing attachment, relational, and developmental trauma. Early attachment trauma creates unconscious attachment patterns of disconnection that deeply affect our identity, emotions, physiology, behavior, and relationships. This model emerged out of earlier psychotherapeutic orientations including Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, Attachment Theory, Cognitive Therapy, Gestalt Therapy, and Somatic Experiencing®.

Internal Family Systems: Internal Family Systems (IFS): is a non-pathologizing approach that recognizes that we are not just one mind or one self, but we have many parts of ourselves with many different needs and roles to play, all of which valid. IFS aims to create dialogue and understanding between our different parts, build compassion for where each of our different needs come from, and release burdens that we unconsciously carry from the past.

Social Justice: A social justice approach aims to name and explore how systems of oppression (homophobia, racism, transphobia, sexism, ableism etc.) have impacted you as an individual, and how they have impacted your community, your family, and your ancestors. 

Radical Self Love: Sonya Renee Taylor describes Radical Self Love as the inherent sense of worthiness of all bodies. There is no wrong way to have a body. Our bodies are the only way we get to experience this ridiculous and radiant life. Radical self love begins with the self, but recognizes that the self is part of the whole. Therefore how we value and honor ourself and our own body is intricately connected to how we value and honor the bodies of others. As we awaken to our indoctrinated body shame we feel inspired to awaken others and to interrupt the systems that perpetuate body-shame and oppression against all bodies.

Couples Therapy

My practice is LGBTQIA+ allied and I work with monogamous couples and polyamorous/consensually non-monogamous couples, triads, polycules, co-parents, and metamours. I help folks explore the ways patterns of communication, embodiment, power, connection, boundaries, intimacy, sex, and love play out in relationships. I offer empowered, somatic, and attachment focused couples therapy. I bring a compassionate, non-shaming space to support your relationships. I begin with each member identifying their specific intentions. Central to my approach is helping people to slow down and bring conscious awareness to underlying dynamics, and to support communication by helping to understand each person’s underlying feelings and needs. I support folks in both attachment/connection and differentiation/autonomy.

Ketamine assisted psychotherapy

I offer Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy sessions in partnership with Journey Clinical. KAP is a holistic modality in which ketamine is used as a complement to psychotherapy to help eligible patients experience more frequent breakthroughs and sustained improvement in symptoms. I offer KAP both as an option for established clients in the container of ongoing psychotherapy, or on its own. I take on the psychotherapy portion of the experience, while Journey Clinical’s medical team supports you on all medical aspects. This includes determining eligibility, developing a custom treatment plan, prescribing the medicine and monitoring outcomes. A treatment plan typically consists of a series of 6-8 KAP sessions, as well as preparation and integration sessions over the course of a few months. I offer KAP sessions for individuals, dyads, and small groups up to 4 people. I can offer KAP sessions in-person inn Sebastopol, or remotely. Learn More.

Professional Consultation and Clinical Supervision

I am approved to offer clinical supervision for MFT trainees and associates. As a supervisor, my style is exploratory and compassionate. Supervision can be a vulnerable process where it is important to be able to show up with your fears and growing edges as well as your excitement and passion. I aim to support you as a whole person and help you to find your own truths about what kind of therapist you want to become. I work well with people who aim to work relationally, and want to explore emotions and counter-transference.

I offer professional consultation on the following topics: Working with clients in bigger bodies, somatic approaches to PTSD and developmental trauma, and helping clients to develop mindful self compassion and inner kindness.